Hexachloroiridic acid hexahydrate CAS 16941-92-7

Molecular Formula:Cl6HIr-
Molecular Weight:405.93
Synonyms:hexachloroiridate; hexachloro-iridate(2-dihydrogen; hexachloroiridicacid; hydrogenhexachloroiridate(4+); DIHYDROGENHEXACHLOROIRIDATE(IV)

CAS: 16941-92-7
MF: Cl6HIr-
Hexachloroiridic acid hexahydrate CAS 16941-92-7
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What is Hexachloroiridic acid hexahydrate CAS 16941-92-7?

Hexachloroiridic acid hexahydrate has the formula Cl6HIr-, molecular weight 405.93, melting point 65°C and density 1.02. Hexachloroiridic acid hexahydrate is a chemical in the form of a brown liquid.


Item Specification
Melting point 65°C
Density 1.02
Water solubility 456g/L at 30℃


Hexachloroiridic acid hexahydrate is used to form iridion-replaced Dawson and Keggin-type polyoxometalates by refilling vacant precursors. Catalytic electrochemical synthesis of polyaniline on non-precious metal electrode surface.


Usually packed in 180kg/drum, and also can be do customized package.

Related keywords

hexachloro-iridate(2-dihydrogen,Hexachloroiridicacid,hydrogenhexachloroiridate(4+),CAS 16941-92-7.

Hexachloroiridic acid hexahydrate CAS 16941-92-7
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