Tragacanth gum CAS 9000-65-1

الصيغة الجزيئية:NULL
Molecular Weight:840000

Synonyms:Gum tragacanth power; TRAGACANTH GUM (ASTRAGALUS SPP.); Astragalus gum; Tragant gum; GUM TRAGACANTH; GUM SHIRAZ; FEMA 3079; SHIRAZ GUM; TRAGACANTH; TRAGACANTH GUM; Gum tragacanth powder

Tragacanth gum CAS 9000-65-1
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What Tragacanth gum CAS 9000-65-1?

Tragacanth gum is white to light yellow in color. Odorless, odorless, and with a smooth and sticky taste. Huangqi gum is used in industrial applications as a thickener, emulsifier, suspension agent, water holding agent, and film-forming agent; Huangqi gum can be used as a milk stabilizer in acidic oil-water systems in food,


البند مواصفات
رائحة لا طعم له
نقاء 99.9%
MW 840000


Tragacanth gum industrial applications: used as a thickener, emulsifier, suspension agent, water holding agent, and film-forming agent.Pharmaceutical – Used as an emulsifying stabilizer for cod liver oil, orange juice cod liver oil, mineral oil, fat soluble vitamins, etc.


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Tragacanth gum CAS 9000-65-1  pack

Tragacanth gum CAS 9000-65-1
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