ATMP Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) CAS 6419-19-8

CAS: 6419-19-8
Molecular Formula: C3H12NO9P3
Molecular Weight: 299.05
EINECS: 229-146-5


ATMP Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) CAS 6419-19-8
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What is ATMP Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) CAS 6419-19-8?

ATMP Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid), also known as amino-trimethyl-phosphonic acid (ATMP), has good chelation, low limit inhibition and lattice distortion. Can prevent the formation of scale salts in water, especially the formation of calcium carbonate scale. Amino trimethylphosphonic acid has stable chemical properties in water and is not easily hydrolyzed. When the concentration in water is higher, it has a good corrosion inhibition effect.

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật

Sự xuất hiện Không màu hay chất lỏng màu vàng nhạt
PH (1%) Toán 2
Active content (as acid) % 48-50
Chloride (as Cl) % Toán 1
Fe phần triệu Toán 35
Density (20°C) g/cm3 ≥1.3
Màu Vest Toán 50

Ứng dụng

Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) CAS 6419-19-8 is used in the circulating cooling water of thermal power plant, oil refinery and oil field reinjection system. It can reduce the corrosion and scaling of metal equipment or pipelines. Amino trimethylphosphonic acid is used as metal ion chelating agent in textile printing and dyeing industry, and can also be used as metal surface treatment agent.

Đóng gói

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Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) CAS 6419-19-8-package

ATMP Amino tris(methylene phosphonic acid) CAS 6419-19-8
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