O que é Luz, Estabilizador de UV-3529 CAS 193098-40-7?
The appearance of Light Stabilizer UV-3529 CAS 193098-40-7 is a white to light yellow solid. It has low color pollution, low volatility, and FDA certification for use in packaging materials that come into contact with food
Item |
Especificação |
MF |
(C33H60N80)n |
palavras-chave |
UV 3529 |
193098-40-7 |
pureza |
98% |
Light Stabilizer UV-3529 CAS 193098-40-7 is a hindered amine light stabilizer that works synergistically with UV absorbers and other light stabilizers. It is certified by the FDA for use in packaging materials that come into contact with food
Geralmente embalados em 25 kg/tambor,e também pode ser fazer o pacote personalizado.