Isatinas com CAS 91-56-5

Molecular Formula:C8H5NO2
Molecular Weight:147.13
Synonyms:2,3-Diketoindoline Indole-2,3-dione 2,3-Indolinedione; Isatin, 98% 100GR;ISATIN / 2,3-INDOLINEDIONE; IRSOGLADINEMALEATE; ISATIN, PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE; ISATIN, TECHNICAL GRADE; Isatin, synthesis grade; Isatin, reagent grade

CAS: 91-56-5
Pureza: 99%
Isatinas com CAS 91-56-5
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what is of  Isatin with CAS 91-56-5?

The product is used as medicine and dye intermediates ,and it is used for the production of drug quinophan, dye disperse Yellow E-3G ; in chemical analysis,it is used as reagents for the determination of copper ions, mercaptans, thiophene, indoxyl-beta-glucoside.


Aparência Física & Estado: amarelo para vermelho sólido cristalino
Densidade: 1.367 g/cm3
Ponto De Fusão: 193-195ºC
Ponto De Ebulição: 360.3 ºC a 760 mm hg
Ponto De Inflamação: 220ºC
Refractive Index: 1.661
Estabilidade: Estável. Incompatível com ácidos fortes.
Condições De Armazenamento: Guarde-o em RT


The product is used as medicine and dye intermediates ,and it is used for the production of drug quinophan, dye disperse Yellow E-3G ; in chemical analysis,it is used as reagents for the determination of copper ions, mercaptans, thiophene, indoxyl-beta-glucoside.


Geralmente embalados em 25 kg/tambor,e também pode ser fazer o pacote personalizado.

Isatin -pack-


2,3-Diketoindoline Indole-2,3-dione 2,3-Indolinedione; Isatin, 98% 100GR;ISATIN / 2,3-INDOLINEDIONE; IRSOGLADINEMALEATE; ISATIN, PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE; ISATIN, TECHNICAL GRADE; Isatin, synthesis grade; Isatin, reagent grade

Isatinas com CAS 91-56-5
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