what is of 2-Butoxyethanol with CAS 111-76-2?
A colorless liquid with a mild, pleasant odor. Less dense than water. Flash point 160°F. Irritates skin and eyes and may be toxic by ingestion. Used as a solvent and to make paints and varnish.
Geralmente embalados em 25 kg/tambor,e também pode ser fazer o pacote personalizado.
2-(1-butoxy)ethanol; 2-be; 2-Butossi-etanolo; 2-Butoxy-1-ethanol; 2-Butoxy-aethanol; 2-Butoxyethan-1-ol; 2-butoxy-ethano; 2-butoxyethanol (butyl cellosolve); 2-butoxyethanol(ethyleneglycolmonobutyl