Sodium iodide CAS 7681-82-5

Molecular Formula:NaI
Molecular Weight:149.89

Synonyms:SODIUM IODIDE; UV-VIS STANDARD 3; UV-VIS STANDARD 3: SODIUM IODIDE; Anayodin; Hydriodic acid sodium salt; ioduredesodium; Ioduril; Jodid sodny; jodidsodny; natriiiodidum; Natriumjodid; Sodium iodide (NaI); Sodium iodine; Sodium monoiodide; sodiumiodide(nai)

Sodium iodide CAS 7681-82-5
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What is Sodium iodide CAS 7681-82-5?

Sodium iodide is a white solid formed by reacting sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide with hydroiodic acid and evaporating the solution. It contains anhydrous, dihydrate, and pentahydrate. It is used as a raw material for iodine production, in medicine and photography. The acidic solution of sodium iodide exhibits reducibility due to the generation of hydroiodic acid.


항목 사양
끓는점 1300 °C
밀도 3.66
녹는점 661 °C (lit.)
pKa 0.067[at 20 ℃]
PH 6-9 (50g/l, H2O, 20℃)
저장 조건 저장소에서+5°C to+30°C

응용 프로그램

Sodium iodide is a white powder with the chemical formula NaI. It has a wide range of applications and can be paired well with the photocathode of photomultiplier tubes using the excellent optical properties of sodium iodide to prepare optical devices with high luminous efficiency. With the properties and low price of sodium iodide, it is widely used in fields such as petroleum exploration, security inspection, and environmental monitoring.


일반적으로 포장에서 25kg/드럼,그리고이 될 수 있습니다 주문을 받아서 만들어진 패키지입니다.

Sodium iodide CAS 7681-82-5 PACK

Sodium iodide CAS 7681-82-5
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