Polyhydroxybutyrate PHB CAS26744-04-7

CAS: 26744-04-7

Synonyms:POLYHYDROXYBUTYRATE; Poly[oxy(1-methyl-3-oxo-1,3-propanediyl)]; Poly(β-hydroxybutyrate); Polyhydroxybutyrate/PHB

Polyhydroxybutyrate PHB CAS26744-04-7
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는 무엇입 Polyhydroxybutyrate PHB CAS26744-04-7?

Polyhydroxybutyrate PHB with CAS 26744-04-7 is produced by microorganisms, apparently in response to physiological stress conditions. It is mainly a condition of limited nutrients. The polymer is primarily a product of carbon assimilation (from glucose or starch) and is used by microorganisms as a form of energy storage molecule for metabolism when other common energy sources are not available.



용융지수(190°C,2. 16kg)g/10min


수분 및 휘발성 물질%

녹는점℃ 175
유리 전이 온도℃ 0-5
화% 55-65
밀도를 g/cm3 1.25
인장 강도 MPa 30-35
명목상 장력 변형에서 휴식% 2-5
Izod 충격 강도(23℃)KJ/m2 1-2
열변형 온도(0.455MPa)℃ 120-130

응용 프로그램

Polyhydroxybutyrate PHB with CAS 26744-04-7 has broad application prospects in medical materials, degradable plastics, disposable tableware, spectacle frames, packaging, sewage treatment, toys and other fields.
농업:생물 분해성사를 위한 농업 필름,긴 연기 농약과 비료
의학:외과 봉합사,팔꿈치,손톱 뼈 교체,혈관 교체 산업:포장재,위생 제품,기저귀,광학적인 활동적인 재료
현장에서의 의료용 재료,polyhydroxybutyrate 를 준비하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다 약물을 지속 방출 캐리어 소재,조직 공학,자료,등등. 의 분야에서 포장,polyhydroxybutyrate 저하 제품은 주로 이산화탄소 및 물는 라인에서 현재는 녹색과 환경 보호 개발 개념입니다.

Polyhydroxybutyrate PHB with CAS 26744-04-7-APPLICATION


25kg/가방이나 고객의 요구에 따라

Polyhydroxybutyrate PHB with CAS 26744-04-7-PACKAGE


Polyhydroxybutyrate PHB CAS26744-04-7
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