Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4 Cheap Price

Molecular weight:516.536

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Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4 Cheap Price
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What is Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4?

Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4 is produced by succinic acid (SA) and 1,4-butanediol (BDO) polycondensation . PBS can be produced both by monomers derived from petro-based sources and by bacterial fermentation route . Unilong Group specializes in the research, development, production and operation of biological materials and green solvents. It is a high-tech enterprise integrating the research, development and production of new environmentally friendly and degradable materials..



항목 MFR(190℃,2160g)/g/10min 밀도/g/cm3 카르복실기 끝에 그룹/Mol/mt 수분/% 녹는점/℃ 백 곡물 무게/g/100 곡 쇼어 경도/(D/15) 인장 강도/MPa
JL10-16 10- 16 1.27 15-20 ≤0.05 114 1.6 68 41
JL25-30 25-30 1.27 15-20 ≤0.05 114 1.6 68 41
JL4-8 4-8 1.27 15-20 ≤0.05 114 1.6 70 43
JL16-20 16-20 1.27 15-20 ≤0.05 114 1.6 68 39

응용 프로그램

  1. 포장 분야:필름,부대,상자,화장품 병,전자 부품,포장 등입니다.
  2. 처분할 수 있는 기구 분야:처분할 수 있는 식기 취사,처분할 수 있는 의료용품,빨대,등등.
  3. 농업 분야:농업 필름,살충제,비료를 느린 릴리스 물자,등등.
  4. In the medical field: biomedical polymer materials, etc. Classification of uses according to melt index. The most commonly used uses are films and disposable tableware, which have many uses and large amounts.

Poly (Butylene Succinate) PBS CAS 25777-14-4-application


25 킬로그램/가방,16tons/컨테이너리에서 빛에서 우리는 아래 정도 25

Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4-package

Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4 Cheap Price
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