Shikimic acid con CAS 138-59-0

what is of  Shikimic acid with CAS 138-59-0?  

A cyclohexenecarboxylic acid that is cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylic acid substituted by hydroxy groups at positions 3, 4 and 5 (the 3R,4S,5R stereoisomer). It is an intermediate metabolite in plants and micro rganisms.

CAS: 138-59-0
Purezza: 99%
Shikimic acid con CAS 138-59-0
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1.Quick details of Shikimic acid with CAS 138-59-0

Tipo:Estratto Di Erbe
Variety:Star Anise Extract
Estrazione Tipo:Estrazione Con Solvente
Imballaggio:Tamburo Di Plastica, Contenitore Sottovuoto
Luogo di Origine: Cina
Product Name:Factory Supply Star Anise Extract , Shikimic Acid CAS NO. 138-59-0
Active Ingredient:Shikimic Acid
Aspetto:Polvere Fine Bianca
Metodo di prova:HPLC
Odor &Taste:Characteristic
Manufacturer:For 10 years
Shelf life:24 months when properly stored.
Description of Shikimic acid with CAS 138-59-0
Punto di fusione 185-187 °C (lit.)
alfa -180 º (c=4, H2O 25 ºC)
Punto di ebollizione 225.11°C (rough estimate)
densità 1.52 g/cm3 (27.2℃)
indice di rifrazione -180 ° (C=1, H2O)
temperatura di conservazione. 2-8°C
solubilità 180g/l
pka pK (14.1°) 5.19
modulo Polvere
colore White to light beige or light gray
attività ottica [α]/D -180.0±5.0°, c = 4 in H2O
Solubilità In Acqua 18 g/100 mL (20 ºC)


Naturally occurring (-)-form is a major biosynthetic precursor of phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan and hence of the majority of plant alkaloids. It is also involved in the biosynthesis of lignin, flavonpids and other important aromatic compounds.





Shikimic acid con CAS 138-59-0
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