CAS 7235-40-7 β-Carotene

Molecular Formula:C40H56
Molecular Weight:536.89
Apparence:À L'Orange En Poudre


CAS 7235-40-7 β-Carotene
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What Is β- carotene?

β- carotene belongs to carotenoids, which are widely present in nature and the most stable natural pigment. It is an orange colored fat soluble compound with a glossy rhombohedral or crystalline powder, mainly derived from green plants and natural foods such as yellow and orange fruits. The dilute solution of β – carotene appears orange yellow to yellow, with an orange tint as the concentration increases, and may appear slightly red due to different solvent polarities.


Contenu 96%-101%
Couleur Fuchsia or red powder
L'odeur Inodore
Identification It should be in accordance with the regulations
Residue on burning ≤0.2%
Perte sur le séchage ≤0.2%
Point de fusion 176°C-182°C
Les métaux lourds (Pb) ≤5 mg/kg
Arsenic (AS) ≤5 mg/kg


1.β – carotene is used as a nutritional enhancer, edible orange pigment, and food coloring agent. China’s regulations stipulate that it can be used for various types of food and used in moderation according to production needs. Mainly used for artificial butter, noodles, pastries, beverages, and health foods.

2. An antioxidant that can act as a pro oxidant or antioxidant due to its inhibition of free radical induced in vitro peroxidation. Dietary supplements for mice reduce hearing loss and hair cell damage.


25kg/sac ou d'une exigence de clients. Conserver dans un endroit frais à l'espace.

CAS 7235-40-7 β-Carotene pack

CAS 7235-40-7 β-Carotene
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