SpectromeltA10(di-lithiumtetraborate) with CAS 12007-60-2

Molecular Formula:B4Li2O7
Molecular Weight:169.12

Synonyms:LITHIUM BORATE (TETRA); LITHIUM TETRABORATE; DI-LITHIUM; TETRABORATE; BORON LITHIUM OXIDE; di-Lithium tetraborate for analysis; Lithium tetraborate, p.a; boronlithiumoxide(b4li2o7); lithiumborate,anhydrous; SPECTROMELT A 10; SPECTROMELT A 1000; SPECTROMELT(R) A10; SPECTROMELT(R) A 100

SpectromeltA10(di-lithiumtetraborate) with CAS 12007-60-2
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what is of  SpectromeltA10(di-lithiumtetraborate) with CAS 12007-60-2?

An acidic flux for fusing basic oxides, carbonates, alumino silicates, glass, ceramics, cement, steel, aluminum, concrete mixes, soils, magnesites, bauxites and rare earth oxidesSpectroflux 100, Lithium tetraborate (100-500 micron) is an acidic flux used for fusing basic oxides, carbonates, alumino silicates, concrete mixes, soils, magnesites, bauxites and rare earth oxides.


نقطة انصهار 760-880 °C(lit.)
الكثافة ≥0.25 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)
تخزين درجة الحرارة. متجر على +5°C إلى +30 درجة مئوية.
الذوبان H2O: قابل للذوبان بشكل طفيف(مضاءة.)
شكل flux
اللون الأبيض
PH 9.1 (100g/l, H2O, 20℃)(slurry)
الذوبان في الماء قابل للذوبان في الماء.
ميرك 145,524


An acidic flux for fusing basic oxides, carbonates, alumino silicates, glass, ceramics, cement, steel, aluminum, concrete mixes, soils, magnesites, bauxites and rare earth oxidesSpectroflux 100, Lithium tetraborate (100-500 micron) is an acidic flux used for fusing basic oxides, carbonates, alumino silicates, concrete mixes, soils, magnesites, bauxites and rare earth oxides.


عادة ما تكون معبأة في 25 كجم/طبل,و أيضا يمكن أن تفعل حزمة مخصصة.

CAS 12007-60-2 packing

SpectromeltA10(di-lithiumtetraborate) with CAS 12007-60-2
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