Policresulen CAS 101418-00-2

CAS: 101418-00-2
Molecular Formula:C23H24O12S3
Molecular Weight:588.62

Synonyms:Policresulen 2-Hydroxy-3,5-bis[(4-hydroxy-2-methyl-5-sulfo-phenyl)methyl]-4-methyl-benzenesulfonic acid; 2-HYDROXY-3,5-BIS[(4-HYDROXY-2-; METHYL-5-SULFO-PHENYL)METHYL]-4-METHYL-BENZENESULFONIC ACID; POLICRESULEN(ALBOTHYL); PolicresulenC15H16O8S2; Benzenesulfonic acid, 2-hydroxy-4-methyl-, polymer with formaldehyde Negatan

Policresulen CAS 101418-00-2
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What is Policresulen CAS 101418-00-2?

Policesculen is a new drug used to treat cervical erosion, which is non-toxic, non allergenic, and resistant to drugs. It has selectivity towards necrotic or diseased tissue, can cause coagulation and shedding of diseased tissue, and can also cause local congestion, stimulate granulation tissue proliferation, accelerate epidermal coverage, but does not damage normal tissue.


البند مواصفات
MW 588.62
اللون Brown to Orange
نقاء 50%,36%
ظروف التخزين مختومة في مكان جاف في درجة حرارة الغرفة


Policesculen is used for local treatment of skin wounds and lesions (such as burns, limb ulcers, bedsores, chronic inflammation), which can accelerate the shedding of necrotic tissue, stop bleeding, and promote the healing process.Otolaryngology: Used to treat inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums, oral ulcers, and hemostasis after tonsillectomy.


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Policresulen CAS 101418-00-2
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