Phloroglucinol CAS 108-73-6

CAS: 108-73-6
نقاء: 99 ٪
Molecular Formula: C6H6O3
Molecular Weight: 126.11
EINECS: 203-611-2
Storage Period: 2 year

Synonyms: 6,17-alpha Epoxypregnenolone; Phloroglucinol >=99.0% (HPLC); Floroglucin; Floroglucinol; Phloroglucine; Spasfon-Lyoc; s-Trihydroxybenzene; sym-Trihydroxybenzene

Phloroglucinol CAS 108-73-6
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What is Phloroglucinol CAS 108-73-6 ?

Phloroglucinol (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene) CAS 108-73-6 is an important fine chemical product, mainly used as an intermediate for drug synthesis.


البند القياسية
المظهر مسحوق أبيض
هازن ≤300
خسارة على تجفيف ≤0.50%
Residue on Ignition(on dry base) ≤0.2%
الكلوريدات ≤200ppm
الكبريتات ≤500ppm
المعادن الثقيلة ≤20ppm


Phloroglucinol is used as determination of antimony, arsenic, cerium, chromate, chromium, gold, iron, mercury, nitrite, osmium, palladium, tin, vanadium, vanillin and lignin, etc. Determination of free acid (hydrochloric acid) in pentoses, aldehydes, lignin, hydrochloric acid, methanol, chloral hydrate, turpentine, lignified cell tissues and gastric juice. Decalcification of bone specimens.

التعبئة والتغليف

25 كجم/طبل

Phloroglucinol CAS 108-73-6-PACK-3

Phloroglucinol CAS 108-73-6
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