ف-toluenesulfonicacid مع CAS 104-15-4

Molecular Formula:C7H8O3S
Molecular Weight:172.2

Synonyms:TL65; TL65LS; PARATOLUENE SULPHONIC ACID; p-tolylsulfonicacid; PTSA 70; toluene-4-sulphonic; Toluene-p-sulfonate; toluenesulfonicacid,liquid,withmorethan5%freesulfuricacid; toluenesulfonicacid,solid,withmorethan5%freesulfuricacid; Tosylic acid; Tsa-hp; Tsa-mh; toluene-p-sulfonic acid

ف-toluenesulfonicacid مع CAS 104-15-4
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what is of  p-toluenesulfonicacid with CAS 104-15-4?

p-Toluene sulfonic acid (PTSA) or tosylic acid (TsOH) is an organic compound with the formula CH3C6H4SO3H. It is a white solid that is soluble in water, alcohols, and other polar organic solvents. The 4-CH3C6H4SO2- group is known as tosyl group and is often abbreviated as Ts or Tos. Most often, TsOH refers to the monohydrate, TsOH.H2O.


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(1) For chemical reagents, but also for dyes, organic synthesis.
(2) Used as the intermediates of medicine (such as doxycycline), pesticides (such as dicofol), dyes. Also used in detergents, plastics, coatings and so on.
(3) For medicine, pesticides, dyes and detergents, but also for plastics and printing coatings.


عادة ما تكون معبأة في 25 كجم/طبل,و أيضا يمكن أن تفعل حزمة مخصصة.

p-toluenesulfonicacid with  CAS 104-15-4 pack

ف-toluenesulfonicacid مع CAS 104-15-4
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