Lactulose CAS 4618-18-2

Molecular Formula:C12H22O11
Molecular Weight:342.3

Synonyms:4-0-beta-d-galactopyranosyl-d-fructose; 4-o-beta-d-galactopyranosyl-d-fructos; 4-o-beta-d-galattopiranosil-d-fruttofuranosio; 4-O-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-fructose; 4-O-β-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-fructose, 4-O-β-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-fructofuranose; lactutose syrup; Caloryl; Lagnos; Lactulose for peak identification; 4-O-hexopyranosylhex-2-ulofuranose; ruguotang

Lactulose CAS 4618-18-2
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What Lactulose CAS 4618-18-2?

Lactulose is a light yellow transparent viscous liquid (with a content of over 50%), with a cool and sweet taste, and a sweetness level of 48% to 62% of sucrose. Combined with sucrose, the sweetness can be increased. Relative density 1.35, refractive index 1.47. Soluble in water, with a solubility of 70% in water at 25 ℃.


البند مواصفات
نقطة الغليان 397.76°C (rough estimate)
الكثافة 1,32g/cm
نقطة انصهار ~169 °C (dec.)
pKa 11.67±0.20(Predicted)
المقاومة 1,45-1,47
ظروف التخزين ثلاجة


Lactulose oral solution has the effects of reducing blood ammonia and relieving diarrhea. It is not only suitable for treating habitual constipation, but also for the treatment of ammonia induced hepatic coma and hyperammonemia. Used as an indirect nutritional supplement in industry. According to the regulations of GB 2760-86 in China, it can be added to fresh milk and beverages.


عادة ما تكون معبأة في 25 كجم/طبل,و أيضا يمكن أن تفعل حزمة مخصصة.

Lactulose CAS 4618-18-2 pack

Lactulose CAS 4618-18-2
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