Glyoxylic acid with cas 298-12-4

CAS :298-12-4


EINECS No.:206-058-5

نقاء:50.0%السائل ، 80% مسحوق ، 98% مسحوق

مرادف: Glyoxylic حمض; ألفا ketoaceticacid;حمض الخليك ، أوكسو-

Glyoxylic acid with cas 298-12-4
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What is of Glyoxylic acid with cas 298-12-4?

Glyoxylic acid with cas 298-12-4, also known as formyl formic acid, hydrated glyoxylic acid, or oxyacetic acid, with chemical formula C2H203, is the simplest aldehyde acid found in immature fruits, tender green leaves, and sugar beets. One kind of glyoxylic acid is 50% liquid.


البند Industrial grade C Industrial grade B Industrial grade A Cosmetic grade C Cosmetic grade B Cosmetic grade A Special Grade A
الفحص ≥50% ≥50% ≥50% ≥50% ≥50% ≥50% ≥50%
Glyoxal ≤1.0% ≤0.5% ≤0.25%  لم يتم الكشف عن  لم يتم الكشف عن  لم يتم الكشف عن  لم يتم الكشف عن
حمض النيتريك ≤0.2% ≤0.2% ≤0.2%  لم يتم الكشف عن  لم يتم الكشف عن  لم يتم الكشف عن  لم يتم الكشف عن
حمض الأكساليك ≤1.0% ≤0.5% ≤0.25% ≤1.0% ≤0.5% ≤0.25% ≤0.25%
صفاء According to customer needs ≤100#
الحديد According to customer needs ≤20ppm
المعادن الثقيلة According to customer needs ≤10ppm


1.Glyoxylic acid with cas 298-12-4 is used as a raw material for the production of methyl vanillin and ethyl vanillin in the perfume industry.

2.In the pharmaceutical industry, glyoxylic acid with cas 298-12-4 is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of antihypertensive drugs atenolol, DL-p-hydroxyphenylglycine, broad-spectrum antibiotics (oral), acetophenone, amino acids, etc.

3.Glyoxylic acid with cas 298-12-4 can be used as raw material for varnishes, dyes, intermediates for plastics and agricultural chemicals.

4.Glyoxylic acid with cas 298-12-4 can also be used in the production of allantoin, which is an anti-ulcer pharmaceutical product and an intermediate of daily chemicals.



250kgs/drum or IBC drum


كلمات دالة ذات صلة

حمض الخليك ، أوكسو-GAGLYOXALIC ACIDGLYOXYLIC حمض oxo-aceticacioxo-حمض الخليك ، Glyoxylic حمض 50 wt.% الحل في H2O,2-Oxoacetic حمض(50% في الماء) 2-حمض OXOETHANOIC
Glyoxalic حمض 40% أو 50% ، Oxaldehydic حمض Glyoxylic محلول حمض, 50 ٪ بالوزن في الماء

Glyoxylic acid with cas 298-12-4
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