Glucomannan CAS 11078-31-2

Molecular Formula:(C35H49O29)n
Molecular Weight:1000000
فترة التخزين: من 2 سنوات


Glucomannan CAS 11078-31-2
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What is Glucomannan CAS 11078-31-2?

Glucomannan CAS 11078-31-2 is a milky white or light brown powder, basically odorless and tasteless, and can be dispersed in slightly acidic hot or cold water. Heating or mechanical stirring can increase its solubility. Adding a certain amount of alkali to its solution can form a heat-stable sol, and its aqueous solution has a high viscosity. Mannan is a natural high-molecular water-soluble polysaccharide, a hydrophilic compound, easily soluble in water, but insoluble in organic solvents such as methanol and ether. It has good swelling properties and can absorb water up to about 100 times its own mass. Konjac glucomannan has unique gel properties. Under non-alkaline conditions, it can be compounded with carrageenan, xanthan gum, starch, etc. to produce a strong synergistic effect, increasing the viscosity of the solution.


البند القياسية
الفحص 90%
المظهر غرامة مسحوق
اللون الأبيض
رائحة مميزة
تحليل غربال 100% اجتياز 80 مش
خسارة على تجفيف ≤7.0%
بقايا على الاشتعال ≤5.0%
المعادن الثقيلة ≤10ppm
Arsenic (As) ≤2 جزء في المليون
Lead (Pb) ≤2 جزء في المليون
Mercury(Hg) ≤0.1 جزء في المليون
Cadmium(Cd) ≤2 جزء في المليون
مجموع لوحة العد <1000cfu/g
الخميرة & العفن <100cfu/g
كولاي السلبية
السالمونيلا السلبية
Staphylococcin السلبية


1.Role in the food industry: thickening, gelling, stabilization

2.Role in the medical and health field: regulating blood sugar and blood lipids

3.Role in other aspects

Agricultural field: Glucomannan can be used as a seed coating material to help seeds retain moisture and improve seed germination rate. At the same time, it can also be used as a carrier for slow-release fertilizers to slowly release nutrients in fertilizers and improve fertilizer utilization.

Industrial field: In the cosmetics industry, glucomannan can be added to skin care products as a thickener and moisturizer. It can make skin care products have a better texture and form a moisturizing film on the skin surface to prevent the loss of skin moisture. In the papermaking industry, it can be used as a paper enhancer to improve the strength and toughness of paper.


  1. Low in calories
  2. Diverse functions
  3. Significant effect on regulating blood sugar and blood lipids

التعبئة والتغليف

25 كجم/طبل

Glucomannan CAS 11078-31-2-pack-3

Glucomannan CAS 11078-31-2
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