Boronoxide مع CAS 1303-86-2

Product name: Boron oxide
CAS No.:1303-86-2
EINECS No.:215-125-8
نقاء:99 ٪
Synonyms:Boria; boricacid(hbo2),anhydride; boricoxide(b2o3); Boron oxide (B2O3); BORON TRIOXIDE; BORON OXIDE
CAS: 1303-86-2
نقاء: 99%
Boronoxide مع CAS 1303-86-2
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الرجاء إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح.
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What is Boronoxide with CAS 1303-86-2?

Boron oxide is a white powder. The surface is greasy and tasteless. Soluble in acid, ethanol, hot water, slightly soluble in cold water.


تحليل مواصفات
Boron Oxide (%) ≥99
Sulfate (%) ≤0.2
Alumina(%) ≤0.1


Chlorid بما في %أيضا ≤0.1


Water Insoluble Substance (%) ≤0.2




1.Used to prepare elemental boron and fine boron compounds to manufacture boron glass, optical glass, heat-resistant glass and glass fiber, etc. It is also used as a flame retardant and desiccant for paints.

2.Metallurgy, determination of silica and alkali in silicate analysis. Blowpipe analysis. Flux that decomposes silicates.

Boronoxide مع CAS 1303-86-2
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