Boraneammoniacomplex مع CAS 13774-81-7

Molecular Formula:BH6N
Molecular Weight:30.87
Synonyms:BORANE-AMMONIA; BORANE AMMONIA COMPLEX; BORANE-AMMONIA; COMPLEX, TECH., 90%; Ammoniaborane; Ammonia-borane(1/1); Boron,amminetrihydro-,(T-4)-; Boron, aMMinetrihydro-,(T-4)- (9CI); Borane-aMMonia coMplex 97%

CAS: 13774-81-7
نقاء: 99%
Boraneammoniacomplex مع CAS 13774-81-7
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what is of  Boraneammoniacomplex with CAS 13774-81-7?

Borazane acts as a mild, efficient, and stereoselective reducing agent for aldehydes and ketones in protic or nonprotic media.It can be used as a storage medium for release of hydrogenBorazane is popularly used as an ammonia borane (AB) source for the formation of hexagonal boron nitride monolayers which are used as a substrate for graphene growth.


اسم المنتج
Borane ammonia complex
الصيغة الجزيئية
الوزن الجزيئي
نقطة انصهار
111-114 °C


Borazane acts as a mild, efficient, and stereoselective reducing agent for aldehydes and ketones in protic or nonprotic media.It can be used as a storage medium for release of hydrogenBorazane is popularly used as an ammonia borane (AB) source for the formation of hexagonal boron nitride monolayers which are used as a substrate for graphene growth.


عادة ما تكون معبأة في 25 كجم/طبل,و أيضا يمكن أن تفعل حزمة مخصصة.



BORANE-AMMONIA; BORANE AMMONIA COMPLEX; BORANE-AMMONIA; COMPLEX, TECH., 90%; Ammoniaborane; Ammonia-borane(1/1); Boron,amminetrihydro-,(T-4)-; Boron, aMMinetrihydro-,(T-4)- (9CI); Borane-aMMonia coMplex 97%

Boraneammoniacomplex مع CAS 13774-81-7
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