Aluminum nitrate CAS 13473-90-0

Synonyms:ALUMINUM NITRATE; ALUMINIUM NITRATE; ALUMINIUM ICP STANDARD, AL(NO3)3; AL(NO3)3; Nitric acid, aluminum salt (3:1)

CAS: 13473-90-0
MF: AlN3O9
Aluminum nitrate CAS 13473-90-0
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What is Aluminum nitrate CAS 13473-90-0?

The relative density of aluminum nitrate is 1.72, the molecular weight is 375.13, the melting point is 73.5℃, at 73.5℃ it loses 1 molecule of water into octahydrate, at 115℃ into hexahydrate, at 150℃ decomposition into alumina, refractive index is 1.54. Decomposition at 150℃. Aluminum nitrate soluble in water, ethanol, acetone, acid, aqueous solution is acidic.


البند مواصفات
نقطة انصهار 73°C
نقطة الغليان 135℃[at 101 325 Pa]
الكثافة 1.4 g/cm3(Temp: 27 °C)
بخار الضغط 0.01Pa at 25℃
الذوبان في الماء 42.99g/L at 25℃
LogP 1.26 في 20 ° c


Aluminum nitrate is used as raw material to prepare alumina catalyst carrier. Aluminum nitrate is used as raw material of organic aluminum salt, leather tanning preparation, silk mordant, antiperspirant, corrosion inhibitor, uranium extraction agent, nitrification agent of organic synthesis, etc.

التعبئة والتغليف

25 كجم/طبل أو وفقا لمتطلبات العملاء.

Aluminum nitrate-package

كلمات دالة ذات صلة

ALUMINUM NITRATE SOLUTION; Aluminum(III) nitrate (1:3); Trisnitric acid aluminum salt.

Aluminum nitrate CAS 13473-90-0
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