Allyltributyltin CAS 24850-33-7

Molecular Formula:C15H32Sn
Molecular Weight:331.12

Synonyms:ALLYLTRIBUTYLSTANNANE; ALLYLTRIBUTYLTIN; ALLYLTRIBUTYLTIN(IV); ALLYLTRI-N-BUTYLTIN; TRIBUTYL-2-PROPENYLSTANNANE; 3-(Tributylstannyl)prop-1-ene; Allytri-N-Butyltin; Allyltri-n-butyltin,97%; (2-Propenyl)tributylstannane; 2-Propenyltributylstannane

Allyltributyltin CAS 24850-33-7
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الرجاء إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح.
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ملء هذا المجال
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What is Allyltributyltin CAS 24850-33-7?

Allyltributyltin, as a highly reactive metal organic compound, can be used for exploring basic chemical properties. It can also serve as a catalyst to promote the occurrence of organic reactions.


البند مواصفات
نقطة الغليان 88-92 °C0.2 mm Hg(lit.)
الكثافة 1.068 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)
نقطة انصهار 134-135 °C
نقطة الوميض >230 °F
المقاومة n20/د 1.486(مضاءة.)
ظروف التخزين 2-8 درجة مئوية


Allyltributyltin is mainly used as a basic chemical reagent for metal organic synthesis. It can undergo nucleophilic addition reactions with aldehydes and other substances, and can be used for the preparation of high allyl alcohol compounds. It has certain applications in the field of basic chemical research.


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Allyltributyltin CAS 24850-33-7 pack

Allyltributyltin CAS 24850-33-7
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الرجاء إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح.
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