3-Cyanophenol CAS 873-62-1

Molecular Formula:C7H5NO
الوزن الجزيئي:119.12

Synonyms:M-HYDROXYBENZONITRILE; M-CYANOPHENOL; AKOS B004111; 3-HYDROXYBENZONITRILE; 3-CYANOPHENOL; 3-Hydroxybenzoic acid nitrile; 3-Cyanophenol ,99%; 3-Cyanophenol m-Cyanophenol m-Chlorobenzonitrile; 3-CYANOPHENOL (3-HYDROXYBENZONITRILE)

3-Cyanophenol CAS 873-62-1
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What 3-Cyanophenol CAS 873-62-1?

3-Cyanophenol  is almost white to light brown and can be prepared from 3-cyanophenylboronic acid or 3-hydroxybenzoic acid as raw materials.


البند مواصفات
نقطة الغليان 222.38°C (تقدير تقريبي)
الكثافة 1.1871 (rough estimate)
نقطة انصهار 78-81 °C(lit.)
المقاومة 1.5800 (تقدير)
ظروف التخزين جو خامل ، درجة حرارة الغرفة


3-Cyanophenol is an organic intermediate


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3-Cyanophenol CAS 873-62-1 pack

3-Cyanophenol CAS 873-62-1
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