2-Chlorobenzotrichloride CAS 2136-89-2

نقاء: من 99%
Molecular Formula:C7H4Cl4
Molecular Weight:229.92
فترة التخزين: من تخزين مختومة


2-Chlorobenzotrichloride CAS 2136-89-2
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What is 2-Chlorobenzotrichloride CAS 2136-89-2?

2-chlorotrichlorotoluene is a dark brown oily substance with a pungent odor. Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, benzene, ether and other organic solvents. It is mainly used in the production of intermediates of clotrimazole and o-chlorobenzoyl chloride.


البند القياسية
المظهر السائل
النقاء % ≥95
الماء % ≤3.0
LogP 4.54 at 25℃


2-chlorotrichlorotoluene is widely used in the production of intermediates of clotrimazole and o-chlorobenzoyl chloride for pharmaceutical, pesticide, dye industry, etc.

التعبئة والتغليف

25 كجم/طبل

2-Chlorobenzotrichloride CAS 2136-89-2-pack-1

2-Chlorobenzotrichloride CAS 2136-89-2
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