الانتوين مع CAS 97-59-6

Molecular Formula:C4H6N4O3
Molecular Weight:158.12

Synonyms:Alantan; Allantol; AVC/Dienestrolcream; component of Skin-balm; Fancol TOIN; 5-ureidohydantoin (2,5-dioxoimidazolidin-4-yl)urea; ALLANTOIN(RG); 2,5-DIOXO-4-IMIDAZOLIDINYLUREA(ALLANTOIN); ALANTOIN

الانتوين مع CAS 97-59-6
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what is of  Allantoin with CAS 97-59-6? 

Allantoin can promote skin cell growth and rapid wound healing. Used as anti-ulcer drug, mixed with dry aluminum hydroxide gel, for gastrointestinal ulcers and inflammation. The product can soften keratin, making the skin retain moisture, moist and soft, is special effects of additive in cosmetic. Allantoin and its derivatives are the quality improver and additive of many household chemical products.


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الانتوين مسحوق
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التعبئة والتغليف
1kg/ كيس ، 25 كجم/ طبل 


Allantoin can promote skin cell growth and rapid wound healing. Used as anti-ulcer drug, mixed with dry aluminum hydroxide gel, for gastrointestinal ulcers and inflammation. The product can soften keratin, making the skin retain moisture, moist and soft, is special effects of additive in cosmetic. Allantoin and its derivatives are the quality improver and additive of many household chemical products.


عادة ما تكون معبأة في 25 كجم/طبل,و أيضا يمكن أن تفعل حزمة مخصصة.

Allantoin with  CAS 97-59-6 pack

الانتوين مع CAS 97-59-6
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الرجاء إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح.
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