n-Butylchloride مع CAS 109-69-3

Molecular Formula:C4H9Cl
Molecular Weight:92.57

Synonyms:1-Chlorobutane, 99+%; 1-Chlorobutane, sequenation grade; 1-chlorobutane, hplc grade; n-butyl chlorides; 1-CHLOROBUTANE , HPLC; 1-CHLOROBUTANE GR GRADE; 1-CHLORBUTANE PROTEIN; SEQUENCING GRADE; 1-Chlorobutane, HPLC Grade, 99.5+%; 1-chlorobutane butyl chloride; 1-Chlorobutane,99.8%,for HPLC; 1-Cholrobutane

n-Butylchloride مع CAS 109-69-3
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what is of  n-Butylchloride with CAS 109-69-3?

1-Chlorobutane is used as an intermediate for the production of other chemicals in the chemical industry.
1-chlorobutane is a common extraction solvent in the forensic toxicology arena. A benefit of 1-chlorobutane is that it is less dense than water and therefore settles above the aqueous layer.


البند مواصفات
المظهر  السائل
المحتوى 99 ٪ مين
الرطوبة <0.04
 المعادن الثقيلة  <0.002%


1-Chlorobutane is used as an intermediate for the production of other chemicals in the chemical industry.
1-chlorobutane is a common extraction solvent in the forensic toxicology arena. A benefit of 1-chlorobutane is that it is less dense than water and therefore settles above the aqueous layer.


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n-Butylchloride with  CAS 109-69-3 pack

n-Butylchloride مع CAS 109-69-3
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الرجاء إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح.
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