Phenolphthalein with CAS 77-09-8


Other Names:Phenolphthalein;alpha.-Di(p-hydroxyphenyl)phthalide;1(3H)-Isobenzofuranone, 3,3-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-;1(3H)-Isobenzofuranone,3,3-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-;2,2-bis(p-hydroxyphenyl)phthalide;

Phenolphthalein with CAS 77-09-8
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الرجاء إدخال عنوان بريد إلكتروني صالح.
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What is Phenolphthalein with CAS 77-09-8?

Phenolphthalein with CAS 77-09-8 mainly acts on the large intestine, which produces semi-liquid excreta in 4 to 8 hours with little or no colic. The claim that yellow phenolphthalein is three times stronger than white remains unproven. As a result of enterohepatic circulation, the effect of a single dose is sustainable for 3 to 4 days. The drug is an active member of many laxatives that can be sold legally without prescription.


مسحوق أبيض
ج: إيجابية
ب: إيجابية
ظهور الحل
الحل واضح ولا أكثر كثافة الملونة من حل مرجع Y7
نقطة انصهار
يذوب في حوالي 260 ° c
المواد ذات الصلة
0.5% ماكس
المعادن الثقيلة
10ppm ماكس
الحموضة أو القلوية
100ppm ماكس
200 جزء في المليون ماكس
خسارة على تجفيف
0.5% ماكس
Sulphated الرماد
0.1% ماكس


Main uses of phenolphthalein:
1. Pharmaceutical raw materials in the pharmaceutical industry: suitable for habitual and stubborn constipation, available in tablets, suppositories and other dosage forms.
2. Used in organic synthesis: mainly used for synthetic plastics, especially for the synthesis of naphthyridine polyaryl ether ketone polyaryl ether ketone polymers. This type of polymer has excellent heat resistance, water resistance, and chemical resistance. Due to its corrosion resistance, heat aging resistance and good processing and formability, fibers, coatings and composite materials made from it are soon widely used in electronic appliances, mechanical equipment, transportation, aerospace, atomic energy engineering and military fields.
3. يستخدم حمض-قاعدة مؤشر مؤشر المعايرة غير المحاليل المائية و كاشف التحليل الكروماتوغرافي.



25 كجم/طبل

Phenolphthalein with CAS 77-09-8-package

Phenolphthalein with CAS 77-09-8
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