What is Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4?
Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4 is produced by succinic acid (SA) and 1,4-butanediol (BDO) polycondensation . PBS can be produced both by monomers derived from petro-based sources and by bacterial fermentation route . Unilong Group specializes in the research, development, production and operation of biological materials and green solvents. It is a high-tech enterprise integrating the research, development and production of new environmentally friendly and degradable materials..
项目 |
利(190℃,2160g)/g/10分钟 |
密度/g/cm3 |
羧端团体/Mol/mt |
湿/% |
熔点/℃ |
百粒的重量/g/100粒 |
肖氏硬度/(D/15) |
抗拉强度/MPa |
JL10-16 |
10- 16 |
1.27 |
15-20 |
≤0.05 |
114 |
1.6 |
68 |
41 |
JL25-30 |
25-30 |
1.27 |
15-20 |
≤0.05 |
114 |
1.6 |
68 |
41 |
JL4-8 |
4-8 |
1.27 |
15-20 |
≤0.05 |
114 |
1.6 |
70 |
43 |
JL16-20 |
16-20 |
1.27 |
15-20 |
≤0.05 |
114 |
1.6 |
68 |
39 |
- 包装领域:电影、手袋、盒子、化妆品的瓶子、电子部件封装,等等。
- 一次性用具领域:一次性饮食餐具、一次性医疗用品、吸管,等等。
- 农业领域:农业电影、农药、肥料的缓慢释放的材料,等等。
- In the medical field: biomedical polymer materials, etc. Classification of uses according to melt index. The most commonly used uses are films and disposable tableware, which have many uses and large amounts.
