Glutaraldehyde with CAS 111-30-8

CAS: 111-30-8
Công Thức phân tử:C5H8O2
Trọng Lượng Của Phân Tử:100.12
Synonyms:GLUTARDIALDEHYDESOLUTION25%FORELECTR; PENTANDIAL; Glutaraldehyde25%solutioninwater; Glutaraldehyde50%solutioninwater; Glutaraldehyde8%solutioninwater; glutaricdialdehydesolution; GLUTARICDIALDEHYDE,50%INWATER; GlutaraldehybeSoution

CAS: 111-30-8
Độ tinh khiết: 99%
Glutaraldehyde with CAS 111-30-8
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What is of Glutaraldehyde with CAS 111-30-8?

Glutaraldehyde is a colorless and transparent oily liquid that is easily soluble in organic solvents such as water, ether, and ethanol. It has an aromatic aroma, is active in nature, volatile, polymerized, and oxidized. It can crosslink with proteins and be used for tanning leather, resulting in excellent washability and sweat resistance of finished leather.

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật

Sự xuất hiện Ánh sáng màu vàng lỏng rõ ràng
Content %:(m/m) 48.5-51.5
pH at 25℃ 3.0-5.0
Chromaticity (Pt-Co) Toán 50
Relative density (20℃) 1.126—1.134
Tổng Toán 0.5

 Ứng dụng

Glutaraldehyde can be used as a disinfectant and protein crosslinking agent, widely used in petroleum extraction, medical and health care, biochemistry, and tanning agents for leather processing; Used for synthesizing various synthetic organic reagents, preparing heterocyclic compounds, etc; It can also be used in industries such as food hygiene, plastics, coatings, adhesives, fuels, fragrances, textiles, printing, photography, etc; Can be used as a film hardening agent for cathode ray tubes.

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Đồng nghĩa

GLUTARDIALDEHYDESOLUTION25%FORELECTR; PENTANDIAL; Glutaraldehyde25%solutioninwater; Glutaraldehyde50%solutioninwater; Glutaraldehyde8%solutioninwater; glutaricdialdehydesolution; GLUTARICDIALDEHYDE,50%INWATER; GlutaraldehybeSoution

Glutaraldehyde with CAS 111-30-8
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