Ursodeoxycholic acid with CAS 128-13-2

Molecular Formula:C24H40O4
Molecular Weight:392.57
Synonyms:Tauroursodiol; Urosodeoxycholic Acid; Ursodeoxycholic acid(micronized); URSODEOXYCHOLICACID; URSODESOXYCHOLIC ACID; URSODIOL;

CAS: 128-13-2
Độ tinh khiết: 99%
Ursodeoxycholic acid with CAS 128-13-2
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what is of  Ursodeoxycholic acid with CAS 128-13-2?

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is a secondary bile acid that helps regulate cholesterol. Mass spectrometry-based analysis of UDCA is routinely performed in clinical diagnostic testing applications such as neonatal testing of inborn errors of bile acid synthesis, differentiating among types of familial intrahepatic cholestasis, and therapeutic monitoring of patient responses to UDCA therapy.

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật

Tên Sản Phẩm Ursodeoxycholic acid Điểm Nóng Chảy 203-204°C
CAS Số 128-13-2 Sôi 437°C
Độ tinh khiết 98% Sự xuất hiện bột trắng
Công Thức Phân Tử C24H40O4 Trọng Lượng Của Phân Tử 392.57

Ứng dụng

Gallstone-dissolving drugs. Mainly used for the treatment of inoperable cholesterol gallstones, it will have a cure rate especially in the case when gallbladder is basically normal, stones have a 15mm or lower diameters, X-ray penetrable, non-calcified and high-floating cholesterol stones.

Đóng gói

25kgs/trống,9tons/20 ' container

Ursodeoxycholic acid-pack

Đồng nghĩa

Tauroursodiol; Urosodeoxycholic Acid; Ursodeoxycholic acid(micronized); URSODEOXYCHOLICACID; URSODESOXYCHOLIC ACID; URSODIOL;

Ursodeoxycholic acid with CAS 128-13-2
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