Butafosfan CAS 17316-67-5

Molecular Formula:C7H18NO2P
Molecular Weight:179.2

Synonyms:Butafo; [1-(butylamino)-1-methylethyl](hydroxy)oxophosphonium; Butafosfan USP/EP/BP; Butaflon; Butafosulfate; N-Dimethyladenine; Cloth he p; 2-Methyl-70-nitrobenzyl&chloride; P-[1-(Butylamino)-1-methylethyl]phosphinic acid; 2-(butylamino)propan-2-yl]phosphinic acid; utafosfan; Butaphosphate

Butafosfan CAS 17316-67-5
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What is Butafosfan CAS 17316-67-5?

Butafosfan is a white crystalline powder, which is an important veterinary drug raw material and an effective organic phosphorus supplement. It can promote liver function, help the muscle movement system recover from fatigue, reduce stress reactions, stimulate appetite, and promote non-specific immune function

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật

Mục Đặc điểm kỹ thuật
Sôi 273.4±42.0 °C(Predicted)
pKa 2.99±0.10(Predicted)
Điểm nóng chảy 219 °C
CHERRY, 179.2
Điều kiện lưu trữ Under inert atmosphere

Ứng dụng

Butafosfan is an active ingredient in animal medicine raw materials and effective organic phosphorus supplements; Promote liver function; Help the muscle coordination system recover from fatigue; Reduce stress response; Stimulate appetite; Promote non-specific immune function; Simple physical stimulation mode, with no residue or side effects in the body.

Đóng gói

Thường đóng gói trong 25/trống,và cũng có thể làm gói tùy chỉnh.

Butafosfan CAS 17316-67-5 pack

Butafosfan CAS 17316-67-5
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