3-Nitrobenzaldehyde CAS 99-61-6

Molecular Formula:C7H5NO3
Molecular Weight:151.12

Synonyms:3-NITROBENZALDEHYDE FOR SYNTHESIS; 3-Nitrobenzaldehyde ReagentPlus(R), 99%; 3-FORMYLNITROBENZENE; 3-NITROBENZALDEHYDE; AKOS BBS-00003197; 3-mononitrobenzaldehyde; m-Nitrobenzaldehyde(3-Nitrobenzaldehyde); META NITRO BENZALDEHYDE; 3-NITROBENZALDEHYDE 99-61-6

3-Nitrobenzaldehyde CAS 99-61-6
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What 3-Nitrobenzaldehyde CAS 99-61-6?

3-Nitrobenzaldehyde hydrate is a yellow crystalline solid, with needle like precipitates from water. It has a melting point of 58-59 ℃, a boiling point of 164 ℃ (3.06kPa), and a relative density of 1.2792 (20/4 ℃). Soluble in alcohols, ethers, chloroform, benzene, and acetone, almost insoluble in water. Capable of conducting steam distillation. M-nitrobenzaldehyde is a benzaldehyde with a nitro group in the meta position.

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật

Mục Đặc điểm kỹ thuật
Sôi 285-290 °C
Mật độ 1.2792
Điểm nóng chảy 56 °C
điện trở 1.5800 (ước tính)
Điều kiện lưu trữ Cửa hàng dưới 30 độ C.

Ứng dụng

3-Nitrobenzaldehyde is an intermediate used in the synthesis of organic compounds such as pharmaceuticals, dyes, and surfactants. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used for the synthesis of calcium iodoprolol, iodoprolol, meta hydroxylamine bitartrate, nimodipine, nicardipine, nitrendipine, nirudipine, etc.

Đóng gói

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3-Nitrobenzaldehyde CAS 99-61-6 pack

3-Nitrobenzaldehyde CAS 99-61-6
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