Glycine CAS 56-40-6 Cheap Price

Molecular Formula:C2H5NO2
Molecular Weight:75.07

Synonyms:BLOTTING BUFFER; USP24 GLYCINE USP24; GLYCINE TECHNICAL; GLYCINE USP; Glycine (Feed Grade); Glycine (Food Grade); Glycine (Pharm Grade); Glycine (Tech Grade)

Glycine CAS 56-40-6 Cheap Price
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What is Glycine CAS 56-40-6?

Glycine CAS 56-40-6 is glycine, also known as amino acetic acid, is the most basic substance of protein. Classified as a “non-essential” (also known as conditional) amino acid, glycine can be made in small amounts by the body itself, but because of its numerous beneficial effects, many people can benefit from consuming more food in their diet. Glycine is one of 20 amino acids used to make proteins in the body, which build the tissues that form organs, joints and muscles. Among the proteins in the body, it is concentrated in collagen and gelatin.

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật

Mục Đặc điểm kỹ thuật
Điểm nóng chảy 240 °C (dec.)
Sôi 233°C
Mật độ 1.595
Hơi áp lực 0.0000171 Pa (25 °C)
Chiết 1.4264
Flash điểm 176.67°C
LogP -3.21
Axit hệ (pKa) 2.35(at 25℃)

Ứng dụng

Glycine acid is used as a solvent to remove carbon dioxide in the fertilizer industry. In the pharmaceutical industry, Glycine acid is used as an amino acid preparation, as a buffer for aureomycin, as a synthetic raw material for the anti-Parkinson’s disease drug L-dopa, and as an intermediate of ethyl imidazolate. It is also an adjuvant drug in itself, which can treat neurogenic hyperacid and is effective in inhibiting hyperacid in gastric ulcers. Glycine acid is used in the food industry as a formula and saccharin debase agent for synthetic wine, brewing products, meat processing and refreshing drinks. As a food additive, glycine can be used as a condiment alone, or combined with glutamate, DL-alanine, citric acid, etc. In other industries, it can be used as a pH regulator, added to electroplating solution, or used as a raw material for other amino acids. It is used as a biochemical reagent and solvent in organic synthesis and biochemistry.

Đóng gói

25/trống hoặc theo yêu cầu của khách hàng.

Glycine CAS 56-40-6-package

Glycine CAS 56-40-6 Cheap Price
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