Салицилат магния с cas 18917-89-0

what is  of  Magnesium Salicylate with cas 18917-89-0

Magnesium Salicylate is a common analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat mild to moderate muscular pain. It is also used to treat headaches, general back pain, and certain joint pains like arthritis. It is found in a variety of over-the-counter (OTC) medications as an anti-inflammatory, primarily for back-pain relief. Magnesium Salicylate can be an effective OTC alternative to prescription NSAIDs, with both anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.

CAS: 18917-89-0
Чистота: 99%
МФ: C14H10MgO6
Салицилат магния с cas 18917-89-0
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Quick Details of Magnesium Salicylate with cas 18917-89-0

CAS No.:18917-89-0
Other Names:Magnesium salicylate
EINECS No.:242-669-3
Место происхождения: Китай
Тип: Синтезирует Промежуточные продукты
Чистота: 98,0% мин
Фирменное наименование: Unilong
Model Number:JL20211505
Применение: Синтезирует Промежуточные продукты
Appearance:Light Yellow powder, White crystals, White crystals
CAS No.::18917-89-0
Purity::99.0%min, 99.0%min
Color:White crystals
Упаковка: 25 кг / барабан
Образец: Доступен
Бренд: Unilong
Место происхождения:: Шаньдун, Китай
Flash point::160 °C

Specification of  Magnesium Salicylate with cas 18917-89-0

Химическая формула
Молекулярная масса
white crystal powder
Magnesium content:
Loss on drying:
Тяжелый металл:
Fever allaying ,analgesia ,anti-rheumatism ,used for rheumatoid arthritis partially .


25 кг / барабан, упаковка 9 тонн/20' контейнеров


Magnesium salicylate is used to relieve pain from various conditions. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from arthritis. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It is used to treat mild to moderate pain. It is also used to treat the pain and swelling of arthritis.

Салицилат магния с cas 18917-89-0
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