Wat Is UVA PLUS CAS 302776-68-7?
UVA PLUS CAS 302776-68-7 belongs to organic peroxides, it has a strong oxidizing effect and is prone to producing highly active free groups during thermal decomposition. It has thermal instability and may decompose at relatively low temperatures. During the decomposition process of diethylaminohydroxybenzoyl benzoate, a large amount of heat and gas are released, which increases the temperature and accelerates the decomposition.
Uiterlijk |
Wit Poeder |
Kleur (Gardner) |
8.20 MAX |
98.00 MIN |
352NM-356NM |
910-940 |
UVA PLUS CAS 302776-68-7 is a new type of UVA ultraviolet absorbent. The UV absorption band of this product is similar to that of traditional Avobenzone, and it has good photochemical stability and compatibility with other oils. It can be widely used as a sunscreen in cosmetics
Verpakking En Opslag
Vermijd zonlicht, hoge temperaturen en vochtigheid, evenals het licht stabilisatoren met zwavel of gehalogeneerde elementen. Het moet worden opgeslagen en opgeslagen in gesloten, droge en donkere voorwaarden.