2-Phenylimidazole met cas 670-96-2

Quick Details of 2-Phenylimidazole with cas 670-96-2 Physical parameter editing broadcast Melting point: 140-147℃ Boiling point: 198-200℃ Flash point: 200℃ Content: %≥ 99 (chromatographic analysis) Moisture:%≤0.4 Specification of 2-Phenylimidazole with...
CAS: 670-96-2
2-Phenylimidazole met cas 670-96-2
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Quick Details of 2-Phenylimidazole with cas 670-96-2

Physical parameter editing broadcast
Smeltpunt: 140-147℃
Kookpunt: 198-200℃
Vlampunt: 200℃
Content: %≥ 99 (chromatographic analysis)

Specification of 2-Phenylimidazole with cas 670-96-2

Item Standaard


Kenmerken Yellowish crystalline powder Yellowish crystalline powder
Verlies bij drogen ≤0.50% 0.14%
Content assay  ≥99.5% 99.7%

Packing of 2-Phenylimidazole with cas 670-96-2


Usage of 2-Phenylimidazole with cas 670-96-2 :

Used as epoxy resin curing agent; can be used as epoxy resin, polyurethane and other curing agent, can also be used as a variety of pharmaceuticals, pesticides and dye intermediates.

2-Phenylimidazole met cas 670-96-2
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