UV-2908 con CAS 67845-93-6

what is of  UV-2908 with CAS 67845-93-6?

The product belongs to the class of hindered hydroxybenzoate light stabilizer. UV-2908 is most suitable for the protection of polyolefins, polycarbonate and the systems containing flame retardants and thioesters. It can be used alone or in combination with benzophenone UV stabilizer or phosphite antioxidant, showing good synergistic effect.The dosage of UV-2908 ranges between 0.25% and 1% are recommended for protection. It depends on the substrate and performance requirement of the final application.

CAS: 67845-93-6
Purezza: 99%
UV-2908 con CAS 67845-93-6
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1.Quick details of UV-2908 with CAS 67845-93-6

Classificazione:Agente Ausiliario Chimico
CAS No.:67845-93-6
Altri Nomi:Assorbitore UV 2908
EINECS No.:67845-93-6
Luogo di Origine:Shanghai, Cina
Tipo:Assorbitore UV 2908
Utilizzo:Plastica Agenti Ausiliari
Numero di modello:Assorbitore UV 2908
Nome chimico:Assorbitore UV 2908
CAS NO.:67845-93-6
Aspetto:polvere Bianca
Shelf life:12 mesi
Applicazione:chimica inorganica intermedi
Descrizione di UV-2908 con CAS 67845-93-6
White to light yellow Powder
Assasy, %
≥ 98
Punto Di Fusione(℃)
Transmittance(%): 460nm
≥ 95.00
Transmittance(%): 500nm
≥ 97.00


The product belongs to the class of hindered hydroxybenzoate light stabilizer. UV-2908 is most suitable for the protection of polyolefins, polycarbonate and the systems containing flame retardants and thioesters. It can be used alone or in combination with benzophenone UV stabilizer or phosphite antioxidant, showing good synergistic effect.The dosage of UV-2908 ranges between 0.25% and 1% are recommended for protection. It depends on the substrate and performance requirement of the final application.





UV-2908 con CAS 67845-93-6
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