L-Histidine CAS 71-00-1

Molecular Formula:C6H9N3O2
Molecular Weight:155.15

Synonyms:(s)-1h-imidazole-4-alanin; (s)-1h-imidazole-4-propanoicaci; (s)-4-(2-amino-2-carboxyethyl)imidazole; (s)-alpha-amino-1h-imidazole-4-propanoicacid; 1H-Imidazole-4-propanoic acid, alpha-amino-, (S)-; 3-(1h-imidazol-4-yl)-l-alanin; 4-(2-Amino-2-carboxyethyl)imidazole; L-HISTIDINE BASE; L-(-)-HISTIDINE

L-Histidine CAS 71-00-1
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What is L-Histidine CAS 71-00-1?

The product form of L-Histidine is white powdery crystals. It is an important amino acid raw material and a semi essential amino acid for the human body. It is mainly used as a raw material for amino acid infusion and oral amino acid preparations; In addition, it is also an important drug for treating heart disease, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, digestive ulcers, and parenchymal hepatitis, and its application in the pharmaceutical field is becoming increasingly widespread.


Voce Specifica
Punto di ebollizione 278.95°C (rough estimate)
Densità 1.3092 (rough estimate)
Punto di fusione 282 °C (dec.)(lit.)
pKa 1.8(at 25℃)
resistività 13 ° (C=11, 6mol/L HCl)
PH 7.0-8.0 (25℃, 0.1M in H2O)


L-Histidine amino acid drugs. The main components of amino acid infusion and comprehensive amino acid preparations are used to treat cardiovascular system diseases such as gastric ulcers, anemia, angina pectoris, arteritis, and heart failure. Used as pharmaceutical raw materials and food additives


Di solito confezionati in 25kg/drum,e può anche essere personalizzato pacchetto.

L-Histidine CAS 71-00-1 pack

L-Histidine CAS 71-00-1
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