Acetato di zinco CAS 557-34-6

Name:Zinc acetate


Molecular formula: C4H6O4Zn

Molecular weight:183.48


Synonyms:Acetic acid, zinc(II) salt; aceticacid,zinc(ii)salt; ai3-04465; Dicarbomethoxyzinc; Zinc acetate, pure, 99%; zinc acetate solution; Zinkdi(acetat); zinc(+2) cation diacetate

CAS: 557-34-6
MF: C4H6O4Zn
EINECS: 209-170-2
Acetato di zinco CAS 557-34-6
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What is Zinc acetate?

Zinc acetate appears as white crystalline powder. The relative density is 1.84, the melting point is 237°C, it decomposes into zinc oxide and acetone when heated to 280°C, and can sublimate at 280°C under low pressure. It is soluble in water and ethanol, and its aqueous solution is weakly acidic. When hydrogen sulfide is introduced, a white precipitate will form.


Voce Standard Risultato
Dosaggio % ≥99.0% 99.2%
PH 6.0~6.6 6.3
Ferro da stiro ≤0.005% 0.002%
Sostanze insolubili in ≤0.03% 0.01%


  1. Reagents for measuring sodium, hydrogen sulfide, and protein, chromatographic analysis reagents, and mordants, used in the polyester industry, etc.
  2. Zinc acetate used as analytical reagents, chromatographic analysis reagents and mordants

3.Zinc acetate used as catalyst for the production of vinyl acetate and polyvinyl alcohol, mordant for printing and dyeing, medical astringent, wood preservative, porcelain glaze, etc.

  1. Zinc acetate used as analytical reagents, determination of calcium and strontium, drip analysis of sodium, determination of hydrogen sulfide, precipitation to remove sulfur from sulfide, reagents for detection of protein, tannin, urobilin, phosphate and blood.
  2. Zinc acetate often used to make zinc salt


Solido: 25 kg, 20 kg, 10kg, 5kg in fibra di tamburo, sacchetto dei PP, mestiere di carta sacchetto,1 kg, 500 g, 200 g, 100 g, 50 g, 20g borsa del di Alluminio. Cartone: plastica avvolto in cartone. (Il pacchetto può essere fatto come il requisito del cliente.)

Zinc acetate CAS 557-34-6

Acetato di zinco CAS 557-34-6
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