Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether with CAS 9004-95-9

CAS No.:9004-95-9
EINECS No.:500-014-1
Altri Nomi:Polietilene Glicole Monocetyl Etere

Sinonimi: Poly(oxy-1,2-etandiile), .alpha.-esadecil-.omega.-idrossi-,POLI(OXYETHYLENE)30CETYLETHER,POLYOXYETHYLENECETYLALCOHOL,Polietilene Glicole Monocetyl Etere n(=:)23 [per Ricerche Biochimiche],POLIETILENE GLICOLE MONOCETYL ETERE, N=23,SALVATORE 58 – SOLUZIONE (10 %) PEROSSIDO-GRATUITO,Polietilene glicole esadecil etere, Poliossietilene (10) cetyl etere

Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether with CAS 9004-95-9
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What is of Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether with CAS 9004-95-9?

Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether with CAS 9004-95-9 is off-white waxy solid. Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether is the tradename for polyethylene glycol hexadecyl ether , which is nonionic surfactant produced by the ethoxylation of cetyl alcohol to give a material with the general formula HO(C2H4O)nC16H33.


Aspetto Bianco latte solido Conforme
Colore ≤30#(Pt-Co) 21#
PH(1% soluzione) 5.0-7.0 6.27
Nuvola di punti ℃ 86-91 88.4
Acqua ≤1% 0.32%


Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether with CAS 9004-95-9 is used as a surface active agent in cosmetics. Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether is a compound of derivatives of cetyl, lauryl, stearyl, and oleyl alcohols mixed with ethylene oxide.

Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether with CAS 9004-95-9-APPLICATION


25kgs/drum, 200kg/tamburo

Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether with CAS 9004-95-9-package

Polyethylene Glycol Monocetyl Ether with CAS 9004-95-9
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