Ethyl glycolate CAS 623-50-7

CAS: 623-50-7
Molecular Formula: C4H8O3
Molecular Weight: 104.1
EINECS: 210-798-4
Synonyms: ethyl glycollate; GLYCOLIC ACID ETHYL ESTER; HYDROXYACETIC ACID ETHYL ESTER; ETHYL GLYCOLATE; ETHYL HYDROXYACETATE;ETHYL2-HYDROXYACETATE; Glycolioc acid ethyl ester; Ethyl glycolate, 95% 100GR; Ethyl glycolate, 95% 25GR

CAS: 623-50-7
Purezza: 98%
Ethyl glycolate CAS 623-50-7
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What is Ethyl glycolate CAS 623-50-7?

Ethanol acid contains both hydroxyl and carboxyl groups in its structure, making it easy to dehydrate and undergo intermolecular esterification, making it difficult to directly esterify ethanol acid to produce ethyl acetate. The appearance is a transparent and colorless liquid. There are currently several production methods in the world, and according to reports, indirect methods such as pressure method, cyanohydrin method, and ester exchange method have been used to produce ethyl ethanoate.


Voce Specifica
Punto di ebollizione 158-159 °C (lit.)
Densità 1.1 g/mL at 25 °C (lit.)
Punto di fusione >300 °C
punto di infiammabilità. 143 °F
resistivity n20/D 1.419(lit.)
Condizioni di conservazione Sigillati in luogo asciutto,Temperatura ambiente


Ethyl glycolate is mainly used in organic synthesis and is a high-end cleaning solvent. Store in a sealed container and keep in a cool, dry place. The storage location must be kept away from oxidants. For products that are slightly harmful to water, do not let them come into contact with groundwater, waterways, or sewage systems in large quantities. Do not discharge materials into the surrounding environment without government permission.


Usually packed in 25kg/drum,and also can be do customized package

Ethyl glycolate-packing


ethyl glycollate; GLYCOLIC ACID ETHYL ESTER; HYDROXYACETIC ACID ETHYL ESTER; ETHYL GLYCOLATE; ETHYL HYDROXYACETATE;ETHYL2-HYDROXYACETATE; Glycolioc acid ethyl ester; Ethyl glycolate, 95% 100GR; Ethyl glycolate, 95% 25GR

Ethyl glycolate CAS 623-50-7
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