What is Boron CAS 7440-42-8?
Boron CAS 7440-42-8 is a trivalent non-metallic element that occurs abundantly in the evaporite ores borax and ulexite. Boron is never found as a free element on Earth. Boron appears as charcoal-grey pieces or black powder or as crystalline; is a very hard, black material with a high melting point; and exists in many polymorphs.
Grado |
Purezza |
Magnesio |
Il perossido di idrogeno sostanza insolubile |
Solubile in acqua boro |
Il contenuto di acqua
Dimensione media delle particelle (D50)
B85 |
85-88% |
≤12.0% |
≤ 1.5% |
≤ 1.0% |
≤ 1.0% |
≤ 2(µ) |
B90 |
90-92% |
≤ 6.0% |
≤ 1.0% |
≤ 0.5% |
≤ 0.5% |
≤ 2(µ) |
B95 |
95-97% |
≤ 2.0% |
≤ 1.0% |
≤ 0.5% |
≤ 0.5% |
≤ 2(µ) |
1. Additivi per l'avvio di ordigni esplosivi
2. Preparazione di altri boride materie prime
3. Rame privo di ossigeno e di fusione di disossidante
4. Saldatura aids
5. Come lega componente speciale di prodotti in metallo
6. Solido propellente per razzi
7. Automotive airbag iniziatore
8. Rivestimenti e Catalizzatori
9. Magnesio carbonio mattoni additivi ad alta temperatura di forni per siderurgia
10. Componenti in ceramica high-tech
11. Altre applicazioni che richiedono una elevata purezza di boro
Boron with CAS 7440-42-8 is used to harden metals and as an oxygen scavenger for copper and other metals. It is used as a reinforcing material for composites. Boron filaments are used for lightweight but highstrength building materials for aerospace structures, golf clubs, and fishing rods. Amorphous boron can produce a green flare, and is therefore useful in pyrotechnic flares.

0,5 kg/alluminio sacchetto di plastica (vuoto), 10, 12,5 o 15 kg/tamburo