4-Chloro-3,5-Xilenolo / Pcmx Cas 88-04-0

CAS No.: 88-04-0
Molecular formula: C8H9ClO
Molecular weight: 156.5
Other name:PCMX; P-CHLORO-M-XYLENOL; 2-Chloro-m-xylenol; 3,5-Xylenol, 4-chloro-; 4-chloro-3,5-dimethyl-pheno; 4-Chloro-3,5-xylenol GL; 4-Chloro-3-xylenol

Altro nome: PCMX;P-CLORO-M-XYLENOL;2-Chloro-m-xylenol;3,5-Xilenolo, 4-cloro-;4-chloro-3,5-dimethyl-pheno;4-Chloro-3,5-xilenolo GL;4-Cloro-3-xylenol
CAS No.: 88-04-0
Formula molecolare: C8H9ClO
Peso molecolare: 156.5
4-Chloro-3,5-Xilenolo / Pcmx Cas 88-04-0
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What is 4-Chloro-3,5-Xylenol / Pcmx Cas 88-04-0?

Come cristalli incolore. Punto di fusione 115-116 ℃, la temperatura di ebollizione dell'246 ℃. 20 ℃, 1g può essere sciolto in 3 l di acqua, può essere sciolto in 1 parte di alcool 95%, insolubile in etere, benzene, terpeni, camere non-volatile di petrolio e di soluzione di idrossido di sodio. Leggero odore di fenolo, può essere volatile con il vapore acqueo. Stabilità in acqua calda.
Pcmx can be used as an antimicrobial agent for disinfecting or personal care products, such as anti-dandruff shampoos, hand sanitizers, soaps and other sanitary products. It can also be used as preservative and mildew inhibitor in glue, coating, paint, textile, leather, paper and other industrial fields.
4-Chloro-3,5-Xilenolo / PCMX con Cas 88-04-0 è un composto organico con formula molecolare della C8H9CIO. Ha proprietà chimiche stabili ed è facilmente solubile in alcoli, eteri, poliglicole e altri solventi organici e alcali forti soluzioni acquose.


Nome di prodotto: 4-Chloro-3,5-Xylenol/PCMX Lotto N. KJ20210305
Cas  88-04-0 MF Data Mar.05,2021
Imballaggio  25KGS/DRUM Analisi Data Mar.05,2021
Quantità  10TONS La Data Di Scadenza Mar.04,2023
Unilong Supply Super Quality Material for Health Care Lines
Voce Standard Risultato
Aspetto White to cream crystals Passato
Odore Phenolic characteristic odour Passato
Solubilità Clear solution Passato
Punto Di Fusione 114~116℃ 114~116℃
Purezza 99.0% Min 99.16%
Perchlorethylene 0.1% Max 0.03%
Impurity OCMX 0.2% Max 0.20%
Impurity MX 0.3% Max 0.18%
Impurity PCMC 0.1% Max 0.01%
Impurità DCMX 0.3% Max 0.30%
Ferro da stiro 50 ppm Max 9.0 ppm
Copper 20 ppm Max 0.1 ppm
Residuo su accensione 0.1% Max 0.08%
Conclusione Confirm with Enterprise Standard


1>4-Chloro-3,5-Xylenol / Pcmx Cas 88-04-0 used in the line of Preservatives, fungicides.

Used in emulsions, cosmetics, inks, plywood, plastic, plastic with a fungicide, especially for rigid and semi-rigid PVC sheet metal, leather and so on. Heat resistance and weather resistance, less water extraction, persistence and strong in the resin, the general amount of 2%

2>4-Chloro-3,5-Xylenol / Pcmx Cas 88-04-0 be used for a variety of anti-bacterial treatment process, such as leather, paper antibacterial treatment, textiles, photographs antibacterial mildew treatmentIt can be used for a variety of anti-bacterial treatment process, such as leather antimicrobial treatment, antimicrobial treated paper, textiles and other antifungal or antibacterial and antifungal or antibacterial photos


Preservatives, fungicides. Used in emulsions, cosmetics, inks, plywood, plastic, plastic with a fungicide, especially for rigid and semi-rigid PVC sheet metal, leather and so on. Heat resistance and weather resistance, less water extraction, persistence and strong in the resin, the general amount of 2%

Confezione e Stoccaggio 

Packed it in 25kgs drum and keep it away from light at a tempreature below 25℃.

4-Chloro-3,5-Xilenolo / Pcmx Cas 88-04-0
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