N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide con cas 110-26-9

Nome del prodotto:N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide
Synonyms:N,N’-Methylidenebis[acrylamide]; N-[(Acryloylamino)methyl]acrylamide; Bis or Bis Acrylamidewder with a neutral odor.

CAS: 110-26-9
Purezza: 99%
MF: C7H10N2O2
N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide con cas 110-26-9
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What is N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide with cas 110-26-9

N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide is an amine organic compound and is widely used as a chemical reagent. It is used in the textile industry to produce thickeners and adhesives, and in oil mining to produce leak-stopping agents. It is also widely used in leather chemicals, printing and many other fields. It is a quality product that is widely used in the market. It is a stable, high-purity, good-performance cross-linking agent that belongs to the acrylamide thickeners and adhesives.


Articoli Specifica
Aspetto Polvere cristallina bianca
Water insolubles % ≤0.3%
Sulphate % ≤0.3%
Contenuto % ≥99%


1.Used as an important material for the separation of amino acids and an important raw material for photosensitive nylon or photosensitive plastics.
2.It can be used as a water-blocking agent in oilfield drilling operations and building grouting operations, and can also be used as a cross-linking agent in the synthesis of acrylic resins and adhesives.
3.Used as raw materials for photosensitive nylon and photosensitive plastics, building grouting materials, and also used in photography, printing, plate making, etc.
4.Used to mix with acrylamide to prepare polyacrylamide gel, used in protein and nucleic acid electrophoresis.



unilong packing 640 11 3

Parole correlate

ADENINE SULFATE HIGH PURITY GRADE; enebisacryL; N,N’-MethyL; N,N-Methylenebisa; N,N’-Diacryloylmethylenediamine;

N,N’-Methylenebisacrylamide con cas 110-26-9
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