Leaf alcohol CAS 928-96-1

Formula molecolare:C6H12O
Peso Molecolare:100.16
Synonyms:Leafalcohol=Blteralkohol; CIS-3-HEXEN-1-OL=BLTERALKOHOL=CIS-3-HEXENOL; (Z)-3-Hexene-1-nol; ENT-25091; Blatteralkohol; Blatteralkohol (German); cis-3-1-Hexenol; cis-3-hexen-1-o; cis-3-Hexene-1-ol; cis-Hex-3-enol; Hex-3(Z)-enol

CAS: 928-96-1
Purezza: 99%
Leaf alcohol CAS 928-96-1
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What is Leaf alcohol CAS 928-96-1?

Leaf alcohol is one of the most important floral and green flavor essence. Only about 1% of it can obtain fresh green leaf flavor. Under the slogan of returning to nature, leaf alcohol will play an important role in western essence. In the melon and fruit essence, only a small amount is effective. Chemicalbook is a spice compound that is a colorless liquid with an elegant green leaf aroma. Slightly soluble in water, soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol and propylene glycol, it often exists in the form of alcohols or esters in many plants such as tea, tomatoes, osmanthus, jasmine, fragrant leaves, mint, violet, etc.


Voce Specifica
Punto di ebollizione 156-157 °C(lit.)
Densità 0.848 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)
Punto di fusione 22.55°C (estimate)
punto di infiammabilità. 112 °F
resistivity n20/D 1.44(lit.)
Condizioni di conservazione Materiali infiammabili zona


Cis-3-hexenol has a fragrance similar to isoamyl alcohol and is used in the production of high-end spices; Trans 3-hexenol has a strong grassy aroma in a very dilute state and is used in the production of specialty spices. N-3-hexenol, also known as leaf alcohol, is not only commonly used in daily chemical essence with flower fragrance and green fragrance, but also used in edible essence with fruit and mint fragrance. It can be used to activate flower fragrance, fruit and mint fragrance and head portrait in edible essence.


Usually packed in 25kg/drum,and also can be do customized package.

Leaf alcohol-packing


Leafalcohol=Blteralkohol; CIS-3-HEXEN-1-OL=BLTERALKOHOL=CIS-3-HEXENOL; (Z)-3-Hexene-1-nol; ENT-25091; Blatteralkohol; Blatteralkohol (German); cis-3-1-Hexenol; cis-3-hexen-1-o; cis-3-Hexene-1-ol; cis-Hex-3-enol; Hex-3(Z)-enol; HEXEN-30L-1; Z-3-Hexenol; TIMTEC-BB SBB007739

Leaf alcohol CAS 928-96-1
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