Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4 Cheap Price

Fórmula Molecular:C24H36O12X2
Molecular weight:516.536

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Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4 Cheap Price
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What is Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4?

Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4 is produced by succinic acid (SA) and 1,4-butanediol (BDO) polycondensation . PBS can be produced both by monomers derived from petro-based sources and by bacterial fermentation route . Unilong Group specializes in the research, development, production and operation of biological materials and green solvents. It is a high-tech enterprise integrating the research, development and production of new environmentally friendly and degradable materials..



Elemento MFR (190℃,2160g)/g/10min Densidad/g/cm3 Carboxilo Final de los Grupos/Mol/mt Humedad/% Punto De Fusión/℃ Cien-Peso del grano/g/100 granos Dureza Shore/(D/15) Resistencia/MPa
JL10-16 10- 16 1.27 15-20 ≤0.05 114 1.6 68 41
JL25-30 25-30 1.27 15-20 ≤0.05 114 1.6 68 41
JL4-8 4-8 1.27 15-20 ≤0.05 114 1.6 70 43
JL16-20 16-20 1.27 15-20 ≤0.05 114 1.6 68 39


  1. Campo del embalaje: películas, bolsas, cajas, botellas de cosméticos, electrónica embalaje de repuestos, etc.
  2. Utensilios desechables de campo: desechables para catering, vajilla, artículos médicos desechables, paja, etc.
  3. Campo agrícola: agrícola películas, pesticidas, fertilizantes de liberación lenta de los materiales, etc.
  4. In the medical field: biomedical polymer materials, etc. Classification of uses according to melt index. The most commonly used uses are films and disposable tableware, which have many uses and large amounts.

Poly (Butylene Succinate) PBS CAS 25777-14-4-application


25kgs/bag,16tons/contenedor y manténgalo alejado de la luz en un tempreature por debajo de los 25 grados

Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4-package

Polybutylene succinate PBS CAS 25777-14-4 Cheap Price
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