Benzyl Benzoate with CAS 120-51-4

CAS No.:120-51-4
Otros Nombres:benzoato de Bencilo
EINECS No.:204-402-9

Sinónimo: benzoato de Bencilo Reactivo Plus(R), >=99.0%; benzoato de Bencilo Vetec(TM) de reactivos de grado, 98%; ácido Benzoico benzyl ester≥ 99% (GC); VANZOATE(R); VENZONATE(R); Benylate; alcohol Bencílico, ácido benzoico éster; éster Bencílico

Benzyl Benzoate with CAS 120-51-4
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¿Qué es el Benzoato de Bencilo con Cas 120-51-4?

Benzyl Benzoate with CAS 120-51-4 is a mediation and insect repellent. It is one of the older preparation used to treat scabies which is a skin infections caused by the mite scarcoptes scabiei since it is lethal to the mite. It is capable of killing the mite in 5 minutes. It can also be used for the treatment of lice infestation of the head and the body. Its mechanism of action is through exerting toxic effect on the nervous system of the insects, further causing its death. It is also toxic to mite ova through an unknown mechanism. It can also be used as a repellent for chiggers, ticks, and mosquitoes as well as a dye carrier, solvent of cellulose derivatives, plasticizer, and a fixative.


Apariencia Amarillento líquido transparente
La acidez 0.2 MAX
Agua 0.5% MAX
Sulfato de ceniza 0.1 % MAX
Gravedad específica 1.118-1.122
Índice de refracción 1.568-1.570
Punto de congelación 17 MIN
Ensayo 99.00% MIN


Benzoato de bencilo se utiliza principalmente en auxiliares textiles, sabores y fragancias, productos farmacéuticos, plastificantes y otros campos, y tiene excelentes propiedades de plastificación.


200kgs/tambor, 16tons/20'

Benzyl Benzoate with CAS 120-51-4-PACKAGE

Benzyl Benzoate with CAS 120-51-4
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