Hydroxyapatite CAS 1306-06-5 cheap price

ASPECTO:sólido Blanco

SINÓNIMOS:CALCIUMPHOSPHATE,HYDROXIDEPURIFIED; Hidroxiapatita(Calciumhydroxyapatite); Calciumphosphatehydroxide,Durapatite,Hidroxiapatita; CALCIUMPHOSPHATE,HYDROXIDEREAGENT; ApatiteHAP; Hidroxiapatita,Calciumhydroxyphosphate,Calciumphosphatetribasic,HAp,Hidroxiapatita; Hidroxiapatita,foranalysis25GR; apatita,hidroxi

Hydroxyapatite CAS 1306-06-5 cheap price
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What is Hydroxyapatite CAS 1306-06-5?

Hydroxyapatite CAS 1306-06-5, abbreviated as HAP, is the most widely used crystalline phase of calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate is the main mineral component of vertebrate bones and teeth. Among calcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite is the most thermodynamic stable crystalline phase of calcium phosphate in body fluids, which is most similar to the mineral parts of human bones and teeth. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in hydroxyapatite is influenced by the synthesis method, and its composition is relatively complex without a fixed calcium phosphorus ratio.


Apariencia Cristal blanco
La pureza ≥97%
Tamaño promedio de Partícula(nm) 20
Metales pesados 15ppm max
Pérdida por desecación 0.85 %


Hydroxyapatite CAS 1306-06-5 has a wide range of applications in the following fields due to its unique physical and chemical structure: (1) in sewage treatment; (2) Application in remediation of contaminated soil; (3) Application in medicine;


25kg/bag o los requisitos de los clientes.Contacto directo de la piel debe ser evitado

Hydroxyapatite CAS 1306-06-5-package

Hydroxyapatite CAS 1306-06-5 cheap price
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